Glyphic Entertainment
Founded in 2002, Glyphic Entertainment, LLC is a privately owned,
premier developer and publisher of innovative entertainment products for
the Nintendo DS, consumer PC and various mobile technologies, including
Windows Powered Pocket PC and Smartphone devices. Formerly doing business
as Pocket PC Studios, Glyphic Entertainment's catalog includes
several famous entertainment brands, including Warlords, Disciples and
Ancient Evil.
If, as the adage goes, a picture tells a thousand words, then our logo
says it all. A translation of the ancient glyphs provides our
company credo - We Create - and it is this credo that is the
driving force of both our overall goal and our day-to-day activities.
We create fun in every game we develop. If a game isn't fun, there's not much point in developing it, so this is first and foremost on our minds.
We create value in those games. It is our goal to always give the customer more than they expect. Whether its refining a piece of artwork to make it just so, packing in one extra level or scenario just because we have the space, or tweaking a game's AI to make a more believable computer opponent, we take the extra steps to add value to our games.
We create opportunity for ourselves, our partners and our investors to grow and reap the rewards of developing these fun, high value games. By keeping our cost of doing business low we are able to maximize profit on all of our games, allowing us to continue doing what we love to do.